(Photo courtesy of HERE)
Hi Friends.
It's been awhile. Work's been good. Resolutions are going well.
God is indeed Good.
It's funny but for the past couple weeks or so a line from Psalm 23 has been stuck in my head, actually I've been quoting that Psalm a lot at work lately, and the conversation has nothing to do with death.
You see, this Psalm and I haven't always gotten along. It's Psalm 23, the death Psalm. It's on the back of everyone's funeral cards, and so I guess because I've experienced death a lot; I've always connected this Psalm with death. That is until 2 years ago.
Without going into too much detail, because this in itself could be another series of posts a little over 2 years ago, I prayed and made a decision to leave my job after a series of unfortunate events to which I came upon in the operation of the company.
I had no job lined up, but I knew God was asking me to take a leap of Faith, and frankly I mentally and emotionally could not handle working at 'the job' any longer. So I turned in my two-weeks notice and a day later was asked not to complete my notice and pack my things and be on my merry way. Praise be to God that very next day was the feast of the Immaculate Conception, and I basked in the graces of that Solemnity and prayed in a special way for Mary's guidance in trusting God as she so beautifully exemplified.
I like to refer to his time of my life as my quarter-life sabbatical. Because it was during this time I remembered how to live, love, be loved, and most importantly to know who I was in the eyes of God. And that's where Psalm 23 comes into the picture.
I do not know how it happened, and most likely I was playing Bible roulette during prayer time, but I came across this Psalm and started to read it and devour it like I had never done before.
You see my name 'Rachel' is Hebrew and means 'like a lamb' so referring to God as a Shepherd has always been one of my favorite meditations.
In fact the first line of the Psalm proclaims"The LORD is my shepherd there is nothing I shall want" resounded through my heart during that time. NOTHING I SHALL WANT. NOTHING. WHY NOTHING? Because HE has and will provide me with everything I need. I just need to TRUST in Him.
The next lines go on to say:
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters,
3 He refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for His name’s sake.
He leads me beside quiet waters,
3 He refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for His name’s sake.
Prior to my leaving, I had been craving rest. Not just like 'ooo yay, an extra hour of sleep' type of rest, but rest in the sense of peace. You know, that underlying peace in living life abundantly? The peace of knowing you are living and being and not just doing. That kind of rest. And as I meditated more it came to me...I was resting. Here in the midst of my 'sabbatical' I was being refreshed by prayer, readings and the abundance of the generosity of my family and friends. And I got there because He led me. He led me out of a bad situation for the sake of HIS name. Truth.
4 Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
God also allowed me the time to deal with a lot of stuff that I had experienced throughout my life at this point. And you know what, some of it was frankly painful and scary! But HE never left my side because the shepherd guided His little lamb with His rod and staff to comfort me and to know He was there guiding me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
And from there, HE set a path for me, and continues to prepare me, for...
(Tivoli Gardens, Italy)
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

And that's where I am today. Don't get me wrong things aren't perfect. But God has led me here, and has blessed me abundantly. My cup is overflowing because of His goodness. Because He is the Good Shepherd who has guided His little lamb along the path and has shown her that if she depends on Him, goodness and love will follow her all the days of her life. So that one day, she will dwell in the house of the LORD forevermore! Amen. AMEN!
PS- A HUGE Congrats to my sweet little 4 mo. old niece who rolled over for the first time under the influence of Florence & The Machines "The Dog Days Are Over"... Baby Princess 'E' you make your Auntie very proud!
I posted a comment, but it never came on!! Love you and your blog and miss you, sista :)