Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Recipe (3 days after I said I would post it)

Hi Friends,

Rachel the Vita Bella here to send you this yummy and delicious recipe for you to enjoy. I think the first time I had this was at a restaurant with my two older sisters during a trip to Chicago. Sister #1 was going to school up in the Windy City and Sister #2 and myself decided to go up and visit her for a weekend of sister fun...including getting hit on by about 4 Chicago Bears Football players...swooonn!

Anyways, following my pastalicious experience, on a trip to Italy when I used to work as a Group Tour escort, I  ordered it again but this time it included a few extra ingredients. And well from there I decided to combine the best of both worlds and make this pasta my own. I hope you enjoy it...

Pasta a la Vita Bella
(feeds 2)

1 cup of Ham- (you can use bacon, proscuitto, pork sausage, whatever, but for this time I used ham)
1 Cup of thinly sliced Red onion (you whatever color onion you have, although I prefer the red in this recipe)
1 cup of sliced mushrooms (if you used cannned be sure to drain them)
1/2 cup of frozen peas ( you can use more-I actually am not a fan of peas, but love them in this recipe)
4 oz (or half a carton) Heavy Whipping cream (you can use milk and a little bit of flour if you don't have HWC)
1/2 bag of Fettucinne (I use brown rice fet. but any will do)
Parmesan Cheese
Olive Oil

 1. Boil a pot of water for your pasta-and salt the water
2. Heat up your frying pan to medium/high heat. Once it's hot add 2 TBSP of EVOO

 3. Slice up your pig & onion....pretty

 4. Once the oil is heated, add the pig, onion and mushrooms. Give the pan a toss like your on Iron Chef so the ingredients evenly cover the pan--don't forget to wink at the camera too!

5. In the meantime, because they say a watched pot never boils and a picture would only add ages along to that theory... imagine your water is boiling add the pasta and give it a quick stir, so the goods don't stick to the pot

 Once the pig, onion and mushrooms are cooked

6. Add the Cream and Peas. Give it a stir and let it bubble a little.

 7. As soon as it bubbles, turn off the heat and add a sprinkling of Parmesan Cheese.

8. With 30 seconds left, kick your soux chef out of the kitchen and take over! Drain the pasta, put it in pretty bowls, add the sauce and garnish with lovely basil leave.

9. Smile at Alton Brown, claim the title of Iron Chef and enjoy Pasta A La Vita Bella!
the end.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Southern Sabbath: Garage Sale Edition...

(My vivacious hair gets credit from the Holy Spirit. This is what happens when you open your windows after Mass and BLARE some good Praise & Worship Music and drive home..Seriously...try it.)

Some of my earliest memories with my Grandma are the times we would go garage-sailing. Now let me say this, if there could ever be a professional garage saler, it's my Grandma. Although she is 4'7", this tiny little Mexican woman drives a hard bargain and has taught my sisters and I at a young age to scope the goods in a matter of seconds, bargain for a great deal and never be afraid to walk-away empty handed.

Enter in now my Momma (Grandma's daughter, of course). She's great and has a creative genius beyond no end. Seriously. Her creative juices are always flowing from the stories she tells to the food she makes, the styles she wears to the color she paints her walls, the music she creates or listens to through the vision she sees when she finds a 'good' piece that she restores back to beauty, Momma knows what's up, and I'm thankful for the creativity I grew up with that strikes at my inmost being (sounds heavy? keep reading).

So needless to say, when you put these two together, magic happens folks! For the past month or so, I've been in a funk. And for those of you who know when I'm in a's just not fun. Last weekend I was blessed to retreat back in the Midwest spiritually guided by a dear friend of mine. Corn fields, wide open spaces, delicious food, beauty, thought provoking conversation and silence. And follow that up by a visit with family and KABOOM...I became human again. Seriously. I think before then I was a glob of sorts, but from my little Midwest revival, I remembered something about me...something that was stirring in my heart from all the beauty I experienced that brought my senses and being back into life...I NEED TO CREATE. It's in my blood. The beauty of creating brings me to life, like DYNOOOMIIIIIITE (please note I am shaking my hips and snappin' my fingers like JJ on Good Times).

So this weekend I decided to venture and scope out some sales in the area and let's say I found some serious loot at a bargain which allowed my creative juices to flow freely...

 <--- 2 mirrors ($5 for both) , 1 top of a black cast iron latern with hideous orange plastic inserts (I should have taken a picture of itself-FREE), 1 ceiling lantern ($3), 1 coffee table ($2), 1 sofa table ($5)

Finished Products.

I still need to paint the frame of the mirror.I also have a feeling the blue on the iron lantern won't last too long, but I just wanted to try and see what it would look like...

 I spray painted the frame on this a flat white and did the glass with chalkboard paint. Now I just need to to get chalk and have fun!

 I cut all the wires and light fixtures out of this, removed the bottom and put a candle underneath it. I'm not done with this, It needs painting, but the creative opportunities for this piece are endless!

So that was my weekend. Well almost...
 I did make this today...

but you'll have to wait until tomorrow for the recipe.

So for today, I pray you had a blessed weekend and pray your upcoming week is filled with an abundance of blessings and joy.  Let's say a prayer I can wake up early so I can get back to working-out. Amen. AMEN!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

It's Sunday!

Good Sabbath Friends!

Well it's that time of the week again... Here are 7 random tidbits for your enjoyment:

So...when I moved to the good ol' South one of the items on my 'to-do' list is to read more. Let me explain. I read. And in college I probably read more books on Catholicism, Apologetics and Spirituality that probably could have somewhat sufficed for a degree. And cookbooks. My favorite. But everything else...well I've wanted to 'love to read' but unfortunately I have probably over 50 books that I have bought and read the first chapter and then not finished. So because I have lived without having cable/tv channels before, I decided to live without cable/satellite/basic tv channels ( i still watch dvd's and some of my shows online) and read instead. And you know what...sister has been finishing books. With the chaos of the past month/month and a half, I've been dying to find some spare time to finish Julia Child's My Life In France. For those of you  who have seen the movie 'Julie & Julia' this is the book that a lot of the Julia Child movie parts were based on. Anyways, not to be dorky, but I can totally understand the line Julie Powell says, when she wants 'to be a bridesmaid in Julia Childs wedding." Creepy, I know. But the lady had a deep hunger for passion and beauty and well, that just makes me smile.  And now, I have also increased a desire in starting to learn how to cook French Cuisine. Bon Appetit!

Speaking of French Cuisine, my first accomplishment Julia Child's Beurre Blanc served with steamed artichokes. I made this for an early Momma's day dinner when my Momma and B came for a visit.
Click HERE for the recipe.


I'm a sucker for sweet/simple/fun lovey dovey acoustic songs that sweet men write about the ladies they love. From simple lyrics to poetic anthems...I. LOVE. THEM.
This song makes me happy. I hope it makes you happy too!

I love the Body of Christ. In fact, God never ceases to amaze me with the beautiful Faith community of friends and family that He has given to me on this earth to lift each other up throughout our lives. 
So Body of Christ, will you do me the great honor and pray for a very special intention of mine? If you wouldn't mind it, I would be so very appreciative if you would lift this intention to the heart of Christ. Thanks in advance for your prayers!

I miss my family and friends. I know I write this almost every post, and I PRAISE GOD for the gift of a job and peace in knowing this is where I am supposed to be, but when you've experience the said community in #4, it's hard not to miss the beautiful people you love so dearly.

So I was asked by two people within the past week for this recipe so I'm going to post it on here. This is an AMAZING dip, that's super good (in moderation).  Honestly, not to brag, but this dip is the bees knees and if you're looking to bring an appetizer to share, you will be certain to bring a pleaser with this dip.
Rachel's Sausage Dip
1-1lb chub of Hot Italian Sausage (I either use Bob Evans or will use the really good stuff from the Italian Sausage makers that my Mom brings to me from Chicago)
2-boxes of cream cheese (I typically use the 1/3 fat cream cheese aka Neufchâtel)
1- 10oz can of Rotel-Diced Tomatoes and Chiles with juice
Tortilla Chips for Dipping

Directions: Brown sausage. Once sausage is completely cooked. Drain fat. Add the cream cheese, over low-medium heat. Once the cream cheese is softened add the can of Rotel. Continue to stir until everything is blended and it begins to slightly bubble. Immediately take off heat, and place into a bowl or warmer and serve!

 The world is a much better place when wearing a dress (see I'm smiling because it's my favorite and I'm heading back to the Midwest for a retreat on Tuesday).

Have a BEAUTIFUL week!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Back On The Air...

Hi Friends,

It's been almost 2 months since my last post, but I have good reasons including: computer going kaaaput,work,  having to buy another computer, being incredibly indecisive on buying computer,work,  Easter, Holy Week, work, Friend Visit, Mommy & Bob Visit, work, gardening, work, trying to learn French cooking, exploring G-Vegas, work, and work.

But don't you worry, I have pictures to show and stories to tell, but I'll leave you with this quote, which makes my (at times) melodramatic heart smile:

'Drama is very important in life: You have to come on with a bang. You never want to go out with a whimper. Everything can have drama if it's done right. Even a pancake.'
-Julia Child

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Celebrating the Sabbath:The Sunday Southern Seven

Hello Friends,

Happy Sabbath. I pray you are all enjoying the fabulous weather that has seemed to permeate itself across most of the country! It's hard to believe the month of March is almost over--thank Heavens, because I'm kind of ready for May (but I have to make it through April first). Anyways, here are 7 thought-bits that have been scanning this mind of mine....

#1). Did anyone else want to start singing this song during today's Gospel? (ps-we are doing the scrutinies at Mass so are on cycle A). I love this song. I love this band. In fact, there are top of my 'must see in concert' list. And can I just say Marcus Mumford, although is 2 years my junior, makes my sweet ol' heart go pitter-patter. Just sayin'...Enjoy!

#2). I been on this hummus kick lately. Like make a fresh batch just about every day, and devour it with cucumbers. No lie. Plus it's super easy to make and super healthy which are two 'thumbs up'. As I was eating some hummus tonight, I wondered if Jesus ate hummus? I mean He is from the middle east and supposedly the Blessed Mother was from around the area that is know today as I wonder. I kind of like to think He did, but I guess just another thing I'll find out when I hopefully make it to Heaven one day.

#3). St. Pio (previously known as Padre Pio). Okay folks here it is: growing up my Mom would pray through his intercession before he was ever canonized. In fact, during his beatification and canonization process, I think my Mom may have contributed in some way, because I remember we had all these holy cards that were sent to us with relics on them. Yeah....I KNOW. I have no idea where they all went, but I still have one of them thanks be to God! I have a small little picture of him in my office and a parishioner started talking to me about her devotion to him and gave me A Man of Miracles: Padre Pio DVD. (NOTE: DO NOT WATCH ALONE AT might freak you out a little bit). Anyways, I've also been reading a book about praying the Psalms with Padre Pio and it's fabulous. St. Pio Pray For Us! Amen!

#4). Way back in January I wrote this post THIS ONE and so far I'm down 15 pounds!! Yay! God is good and there's no way I could do this without Him. In fact, I had fun pulling out clothes I haven't worn in about 3 years. I've had my bad days don't get me wrong, but during those trial I remember I can do all things in HIM who strengthens me.

#5). I miss my family (shocking I know, but I really do). And I also need a good hair trim and a touch up to my highlights...(I figures while I was going all melancholic, I might as well get in my hair).

#6). No matter what I'm feeling this song always makes me smile. In fact, when I was little I thought it was about me because they mention the month of May, and well my birthday is May...hey now okay, I was like 4 or 5 (who am I kidding, I still like to think it's about me). Anyways, enjoy!


#7). So I've come to the realization that they may not have lilacs or peonies down in the South!! I know, how am I going to survive spring. These are two of my most favorite flowers ever....and this could be bad. So in the meantime, I'll just buy candles that resemble their fragrance and pray I find some ;0) I know there could be worse things.

Have a beautiful week!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blog Tag...You're IT!!!

It's true 2 posts in one week, I know, I know... I can hardly contain myself either.

Anyways, my sweet friend Cynth over at Finding Great Joy tagged me, and well it's just fun, so I'm joining the bandwagon and will tag some of you too!

So Here's The Rules:
  1. The first rule is to post these rules.
  2. Post a photo of yourself then write 11 things about you/your life.
  3. Answer the questions for you set in the original post.
  4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
  5. Go to their blog/twitter to tell them you have tagged them.

(I've always had a pizazz for life, and like to jazz things up a bit.)

  1. I have professionally recorded on 3 albums all by the age of 15.
  2. I jumped off of a cliff in the jungle into the amazon.
  3. I used to pretend when I was little that I had my own cooking show and would make meals out of my Mom's hosta leaves, mud and my Dad's nails & screws.
  4. I could eat my Grandma's mexican food and a fresh salad from her garden with homemade dressing just about every day of my life and never want for anything else.
  5. I love old things, antiquing, refurbishing things.
  6. I have this (at times terrible) pull to have to be different. It's innate. No matter what it is, if the majority of people are liking something, something internally on principle controls me to not like it even if I try. Seriously my body has a physical reaction to it....
  7. If nostril flaring was a sport, I would be a champion.
  8. I cry over everything. Sad, happy, beauty, anger, just for the heck of it. I cry...A LOT!
  9. I love playing sports. Volleyball being my favorite. But love a good game of ultimate frisbee, baseball/softball.
  10. I want to have a huge garden like my Mom and Grandparents used to have. We joke around that we were organic before organic was cool, and I'm grateful for that.
  11. I can make that sound like Xena warrior princess.

Okay now here are some questions from Cynth:

  1. Mini-van or other?
    Although I do love the space with mini vans and how many people and things you can fit in them; I think I may lean on the "other" and opt for good bad-a$$ gas-mileage SUV.
  2. Favorite clothing item? A pretty dress that twirls when you spin and blows with the wind and is just stinkin' fabulous and you look smashing in it!
  3. Best friend in the whole wide world? Why? Hmmmm... I have many different best friends but if I had to pick one I would say my sister Maria. We are both the middle children, so there's a mutual understanding between our hearts; but she has always challenged me by the radical witness of humility, truth and fun that she lives by. Plus she's always been there since before I can even remember.It's nice when you've never lived a day without your best friend! (PS-Today's her birthday too!)
  4. Favorite movie? The Princess Bride. Inconceivable!!! And no more rhymes now I mean it...Anybody want a peanut....NO!!!! :)
  5. Your favorite trait about yourself? I love that I love to laugh and cry, and feel things really deep. The beauty of life provokes my innermost being, and I love that about myself.
  6. Best concert you've ever been to? oooooo tie between George Strait and Elton John. Two totally different performers, but both great shows!
  7. Most difficult decision you've ever had to make? Hmmmm...I would have to say all of them in which my head and heart are saying two different things.Remember the crying thing...yeah talk about the rivers of tears flowing wild and free.
  8. What did you want to be when you were little? A Mom or The Judds (with my sister Maria of course, we would be the sister version rather than the Mother and Daughter duo)
  9. Favorite quote? "Life is beautiful."
  10. Most expensive item [at the grocery store] that you have ever purchased?? With the exception of hard liquor; Saffron. Sister loves herself a good paella!
  11. Best television series you have ever watched? LOST. No explanation, but you just need to watch it!
Okay... You've read it and now I'm tagging Maria, Jeanly, Katie B. (that's two tags for you),Mia and Kim.

And here's some questions for you ladies:
  1. Most Memorable Moment
  2. Favorite Childhood TV Show
  3. Kitchen Item You Cannot Live Without
  4. Favorite Saint.Why?
  5. Top 5 Favorite Anthem Songs
  6. Favorite Recipe
  7. Favorite Lip Smackers Flavor
  8. Dream Vacation
  9. Coffee, Tea or Pop
  10. Favorite CD that you can listen to the whole thing
  11. If you could have an actress to play you in a movie, who would it be? Why?

And GO!!!!

Happy Tagging!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Celebrating the Sabbath:The Southern Sunday Seven

(Smile! God's doing wonderful things in your life! Just you wait and see...)

Hi Friends...

I had you going didn't I? And now a month later from my last post, I'm back again. How's your Lent going? Fruitful I hope. It's funny, but it seems some Lents really feel like 'Lent' and others, well not so much ( I think it has a lot to do with me and how disciplined I am). Anyways, I figured I would share with you 7 tools that God is allowing me to grow deeper through prayer during this season:

#1). David Crowder: How He Loves Us
I'm not sure if you have ever heard this song, but if not, take a listen. It's funny how quickly I can forget how much God loves me. Sometimes I find it's very easy to feel it and at other times I struggle with forgetting how abundant His love truly is, and think other things can fill this void--ugh original sin. But then again, He always is so good with giving me a reality check and bring me back to reality;)

#2). Hind's Feet on High Places by:Hannah Hurnard
It seriously feels like someone took my life and created an allegory out of it (well parts of my life and parts of the book). When I was last home, this book was lent to me by two of the most remarkable friends I have ever known. No lie, they themselves have been tried by the storms of life and just amaze me with the witness they set to the world. In no way do my struggles compare to theirs, but if you have ever struggled with sacrificing your wants/desires for God's will to be done...READ IT!!! Seriously. Plus!!!! Jesus is referred to as the Shepherd, and you know sister loves her Shepherd!!

#3). The Rosary.
We grew up praying the rosary. And sad to say, we couldn't say it fast enough, so we could turn on TGIF and eat our pizza on selected Friday nights. In high school, I would pray it on occasion, and in particular with my sister in the mornings on our way to school or work and most memorably, the two days I worked at detassling corn I prayed about 4 rosaries a day because the corn rows were so long (SHOUT OUT MIDWEST and yes I only lasted 2 days!!). In college, however things changed and I just started praying it more than I ever had which was probably twice-four times a week. Running before classes, going on rosary walks, praying them with friends, praying them before choir, etc. After college is when it hit me and began going in spurts of praying daily rosaries, but would somehow always miss a day, and forget all about it together. Anyways (I'm making my point, I promise), a few years back one of my aunts gave me this book on Marian apparitions and for about a week I would come home for lunch and devour the book until it was time to go back to work. And the message, the Rosary is a power tool. So pray it. Pray it when you don't know what to say, pray it when you don't know what to do, pray it just because, and you will see the graces fall abundantly from Heaven. 'Cause you know there's nothing more that our Blessed Momma wants then for her children to come to know her son.

#4). Silence.
I know. I know. But seriously, I somehow got in the habit of listening to music 24/7 right before Lent, and it was funny because I felt like I was in a funk and things were just a mess. And then once Lent hit, silence found me, and there was that peace that I knew. Don't get me wrong God speaks a lot to me through music, but if I don't have quiet time to process and listen, then I'm a lost lamb--no lie. And so it is in the quiet, that I can feel the presence of God through the sun shining on my face or the quietness of being still, or whatever. But silence, yes silence does my heart good.

#5). Fabulous conversations with my sisters.
You heard it once, you'll hear it now, and this won't be the last time I'll say it. But I love my sisters beyond no end. It's true and I miss them that much too! Whether it's the occasional text, short conversation, or long chat--I love talking to these fabulous women beyond all measure. In fact recently one of my sisters and I had a conversation on seeing the presence of God all around us--especially in little ones. I will go to the grave saying that kids are far more spiritually in tune with God than the majority of adults will ever be. I mean if you think about it, they just believe God will do what He says He will and no questions, no doubts, no explanation needed. My sister shared with me a conversation about "What will Jesus look like in Heaven? A baby, a boy, or a man like Daddy" which was sparked (unsolicited-mind you) by my inquisitive 4 year old nephew. Now my Sister, a wise and beautiful Momma, asked in return, "What do you want Jesus to look like in Heaven?" My 5yr. old niece responded "A baby so I can carry Him around" my 4 yr. old nephew responded "a boy, so we can play together" and my 2 yr. old nephew who wanted to also get in on the action said "a man like Daddy so He can carry me around." Moral of the story, I need to become more childlike in understanding God. If you were to say those answers to an adult they could go on and on about the possibilities of Jesus being all 3 ages in Heaven, but to these sweet little pumpkins, they KNEW that God is limitless and EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. I think a lot of times things become complicated in our lives because we put limits on God. Can you imagine a world where everyone sees God as a little one does? Let's start doing this, okay?

#6). The Bible.
The Word of God. Amen. Seriously. Do you ever get passages stuck in your head, and strike your heart so profoundly. Here's one that's been with me for the last few days:

24 “‘For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land. 25 I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. 26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27 And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. 28 Then you will live in the land I gave your ancestors; you will be my people, and I will be your God. " -Ezekiel 36:24-28

#7). The Eucharist & Adoration.
For those who believe no explanation is needed. For those who do not believe, not explanation is possible.

Have a beautiful week! And remember, every Good Friday has an Easter Sunday...(sometimes it just lapse a few years)!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Now back to our regular scheduled programming...

Hi Friends,

It's been a long while. But for now 3 things sure to put a smile on your face.

#1). My 5 year old niece is FABULOUS! Seriously, she was the little lady who made me an aunt, and every time I talk to her or see her, she just amazes me with the goodness,freedom, zeal and trust that my B.I.L and Sister have nurtured her to live. (P.S. It amazes me how these little people teach me so much about the simplicity in living a beautiful life). Anways, I was talking to my sister last night, and my niece wanted to sing me her new favorite song....melt my heart little lady, this kid has fabulous taste in music and this is what she sang to me:

#2). As I was drinking my coffee and catching up on pinterest and my blogs, this song came on. And can I say, if you need an instant dose of fun, get up and start dancing to it (I promise, you will start laughing and bust moves you didn't know you had...):

#3). Not only do I dearly love my familia, but I LOVE my friends. Like, seriously love them. And I am blessed to have these people in my life who continue to challenge me to be a better woman and a better ME (with everything that 'that' encompasses). Anyways, I was blessed to spend some time with some of them over the past 2 weeks and one of which Mrs. Finding Great Joy and I did this work out. I honestly cannot remember the last time I laughed this much while working out. But SERIOUSLY...this is so much fun and you will realize how many muscles you haven't used EVER! Here's a fun little tidbit:

Happy Saturday!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Something's Coming....

So it's late (well late for me)....

Way past my bed time (2 hours).......

And as any good woman would do, this weekend is my 'parish debut' (I'm introducing myself and inviting people to get involved with our Faith Formation programs at all 6 of our Masses), and I'm trying on dresses...

Dresses, as in plural, dresses.

Because I launch the weekend off with our New Parishioner social tomorrownight, and sister's gotta look her best...

And as I'm trying on dresses, looking at my reflection, I'm transported to this.....

No, I'm not wearing white...

It will wash me out. And most likely there won't be a dance off...

Which I'm bummed about, because I'm sure we have a lot of good dancers...

But who knows...

Something could be coming...
(and thank goodness I don't have a brother to kill the 'love of my life' that I just may meet at the social, because that would just be plain tragic).

It's going to be a long weekend...

And my mind goes crazy after 11pm...

So I'm going to bed now.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Celebrating the Sabbath:The Sunday Southern Seven

(Hi Friends! Hope y'all had a great weekend!)

Good Sabbath Everyone!

It's been awhile since I've posted one of these. It's hard to believe January is half-way through, hold on to the seat of your pants!!!! The year's just getting started!

This week, I wanted to share with you 7 life changing moments that occurred within the past 7 days: (and no for your curious little minds, I did not meet anyone).

1. I am truly blessed to have some very wonderful coworkers. In fact, one of which is always passing on information he and his wife come upon, shared with me the 8 questions for Making A New Year's Resolution that Lasts. It's written by Jeff Cavins and is flippin' wonderful. Seriously.

2. In diligently following my New Year's resolutions, I lay in bed the other night and came to this conclusion, "From this moment on, my life can never look the same." I have that weird intense athletic mind at times, where it's all or nothing (don't get me wrong, if I mess up, I'm not going to quit) BUT as my dear Spiritual Director has said, if we want to follow Christ, we have to be serious about taking up our crosses and following Him. So that's what I'm doing. And if you could say some prayers for some extra grace I would be most appreciative.
(Photo Courtesy of ME a St. Peter's Basilica in Roma)

3. Through my radical perspective of DO or DIE, I have also been reminded that I cannot do any of this without begging God for the grace to guide me in accomplishing my goals. It's humbling and refreshing to have to turn to HIM for basically everything. And yet funny and annoying at times, because it seems one moment I'm turning to Him for everything and the next I'm freaking out to then be reminded if I ask for grace, He'll give it to me... He's a good Papa and I'm so grateful for that.
(Photo from ME at Basilica of St. Catherine & Dominic in Sienna, Italy)

4. I just finished reading this book. It was recommended to me by a dear friend about a year ago, when he actually gave me the book to read within the near future.... Finally after a conversation with another friend this morning (ironically his sister), I read it front to back in a matter of hours. It's written by a Protestant who talks about fasting and how important it is in the Christian life (as well as references other religions who uphold fasts and how God works in their lives). Anyways, I found it to be a great read that will hopefully transform your heart and mind and see the importance and awesomeness of fasting. (NOTE: if you are Catholic and reading it, take a large Catholic grain of salt to some of the things he says.)

(Photo from here)

5. This week I received 2 packages from sweet friends. Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have the friends I do? Seriously. They are truly remarkable people, and I praise the LORD for the opportunity to know and love them! They are simple reminders of love, peace and all the good stuff God has always intended us to share in and know. To K & A; I love you gals and will be calling you soon to verbally thank you for the treasures you have sent to me!
(Some friends from my SPRI YAM Bible Study)

6. What would a post be without talking about my family whom I love and miss dearly??? First Praise be to God for the internet and phones that send & receive pictures!! As I have said before, I am blessed to have 2 sweetly beautiful nieces and 2 dashingly handsome nephews. These 4 little people are constant reminders of the love God has for each of us, as well as the precious gift life is. My Sister and B.I.L. have done such a great job with raising such good little people with hearts of gold who call their Auntie to sing her the newest song they've learned, talk to her about the weather (as all good Mid-Westerner's do), and just overflow their little hearts of love through their giggles, smiles, and funny little jokes....(insert 2 minutes conversation with my 4 year old nephew in which we went back and forth saying.."what did you say before that"). Life is so stinkin' precious, and I am honored to witness to the graces their little hearts pour forth in the world. What a privilege!

7. Rich Mullins. My college Newman Center chaplain, boss, and friend, loved this Christian music artist, who tragically died in a car accident in 1997. I never really understood why my Chaplain thought he was so great. I mean he wrote 'Awesome God' and had some other good tunes, but it just never clicked until this weekend. I was speaking with another coworker about evangelization and he shared with me how much he LOVED Rich Mullins. 'Hold the Phone' I thought! And then proceeded to ask him, 'why did Catholic men his age love Rich Mullins?' I mean I knew he went through RCIA right before he died and had a great devotion to St. Francis of Assisi (HOLLA--St. Frankie-A!!!) and was a genuinely neat guy, but I just didn't get it. His response 2 DVD's. My response now: Rich Mullins was far ahead of his time in evangelizing Christians and calling them to a life of Holiness and just frankly blows my mind. It's so weird when questions you've never really voiced find an answer and all starts to become clear and the pieces fall together. AHH!!! Rock On'! But don't you worry, I'll be writing about my findings another time.

So that's my week. I pray you all had a beautiful week and will pray that God will bless you abundantly this week. If you wouldn't mind keeping me and a specific intention of mine in prayer, I would be most appreciative. Don't you just love being part of the Body of Christ and lifting each other up? It feels so early Christian!!!!

Much Much Love!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Surely His Goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life....

(Photo courtesy of HERE)

Hi Friends.

It's been awhile. Work's been good. Resolutions are going well.

God is indeed Good.

It's funny but for the past couple weeks or so a line from Psalm 23 has been stuck in my head, actually I've been quoting that Psalm a lot at work lately, and the conversation has nothing to do with death.

You see, this Psalm and I haven't always gotten along. It's Psalm 23, the death Psalm. It's on the back of everyone's funeral cards, and so I guess because I've experienced death a lot; I've always connected this Psalm with death. That is until 2 years ago.

Without going into too much detail, because this in itself could be another series of posts a little over 2 years ago, I prayed and made a decision to leave my job after a series of unfortunate events to which I came upon in the operation of the company.

I had no job lined up, but I knew God was asking me to take a leap of Faith, and frankly I mentally and emotionally could not handle working at 'the job' any longer. So I turned in my two-weeks notice and a day later was asked not to complete my notice and pack my things and be on my merry way. Praise be to God that very next day was the feast of the Immaculate Conception, and I basked in the graces of that Solemnity and prayed in a special way for Mary's guidance in trusting God as she so beautifully exemplified.

I like to refer to his time of my life as my quarter-life sabbatical. Because it was during this time I remembered how to live, love, be loved, and most importantly to know who I was in the eyes of God. And that's where Psalm 23 comes into the picture.

I do not know how it happened, and most likely I was playing Bible roulette during prayer time, but I came across this Psalm and started to read it and devour it like I had never done before.

You see my name 'Rachel' is Hebrew and means 'like a lamb' so referring to God as a Shepherd has always been one of my favorite meditations.

In fact the first line of the Psalm proclaims"The LORD is my shepherd there is nothing I shall want" resounded through my heart during that time. NOTHING I SHALL WANT. NOTHING. WHY NOTHING? Because HE has and will provide me with everything I need. I just need to TRUST in Him.

The next lines go on to say:

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters,
3 He refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for His name’s sake.

Prior to my leaving, I had been craving rest. Not just like 'ooo yay, an extra hour of sleep' type of rest, but rest in the sense of peace. You know, that underlying peace in living life abundantly? The peace of knowing you are living and being and not just doing. That kind of rest. And as I meditated more it came to me...I was resting. Here in the midst of my 'sabbatical' I was being refreshed by prayer, readings and the abundance of the generosity of my family and friends. And I got there because He led me. He led me out of a bad situation for the sake of HIS name. Truth.

4 Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

God also allowed me the time to deal with a lot of stuff that I had experienced throughout my life at this point. And you know what, some of it was frankly painful and scary! But HE never left my side because the shepherd guided His little lamb with His rod and staff to comfort me and to know He was there guiding me.

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.

And from there, HE set a path for me, and continues to prepare me, for...

(Tivoli Gardens, Italy)

6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

And that's where I am today. Don't get me wrong things aren't perfect. But God has led me here, and has blessed me abundantly. My cup is overflowing because of His goodness. Because He is the Good Shepherd who has guided His little lamb along the path and has shown her that if she depends on Him, goodness and love will follow her all the days of her life. So that one day, she will dwell in the house of the LORD forevermore! Amen. AMEN!

PS- A HUGE Congrats to my sweet little 4 mo. old niece who rolled over for the first time under the influence of Florence & The Machines "The Dog Days Are Over"... Baby Princess 'E' you make your Auntie very proud!

Monday, January 2, 2012

In the year of grace 2012: Whipping it into shape!

Merry Christmas!
(Yes it's still Christmas season!)

Happy New Year!

It's hard to believe it's 2012, but it is. A friend and I were discussing the many 'obstacles' of 2011 and he came to the conclusion that 2012 will be the year of grace. Amen. Amen!

In fact, I've made the resolution to get my schtuff together this year. It just feels for the past year I've just been running through life at a pace and stride that just got me by. So this year, through the grace of God I am getting my Spiritual health in balance by devoting more time to prayer and reading, Physical health in balance by exercising and food journaling (I joined my fitness pal, and after 12 hours, I love it), and more disciplined in my spending budget. The beauty of this is that when I'm disciplined in my Spiritual life, I become more disciplined in my Physical life, and all else falls into place, thanks be to God!

As I was sitting drinking my coffee this morning I opened up my Bible for some prayer to nourish my soul and this is what I came upon: (Matthew 6:22-34)

22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy,[a] your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eyes are unhealthy,[b] your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve
both God and money.
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[c]?
28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like o
ne of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Yeah, I know.

God never ceases to blow my mind and flood my heart with love.

So this is what I have decided. In the year of grace 2012, I'm striving to be a wildflower. Totally and actively dependent upon God-who will guide and provide me with the grace and virtue I need to bask in the splendor of the dignity and beauty He has created.