1)Today I finally met up and ventured around with a sister of a dear friend of mine who lives in the area. We ate at this fun delicious restaurant (which will be put on my bring visitors to list) and I learned how to make a MOST INCREDIBLE Bloody Mary! The recipe you ask...keep posted. A gal's got to keep some things up her sleeves.

2) While we ventured downtown, we came across the above picture (yes you can walk over it, have a picnic down by it, some people were even standing on some of the rocks). About 10 years ago this natural waterfall was underground, hidden!! Praise be to God in the process of Beautifying this beautiful city, architects recognized what was there and created a park for all to enjoy this natural beauty God created. Rock On! ( no pun intended and you know you want to visit me now...)
3) Holy Southern Saturday College Football!!! Seriously. There is one sport in the South...College Football-no joke. It's the equivalent of Sunday football back home, but times 1,000,000. Whether it's Clemson, SC, Georgia, Bama whoever you root for is tattooed EVERYWHERE!! People proudly display tiger tales, magnets, and flags all over their cars like it's a homecoming game, but this folks is every time they play. Clothing is worn, flags and yard signs are displayed..it's INTENSE...no lie. You thought U of I'ers were intense, cross over the Mason Dixon line and take a peak!
4) So part of my job is to help develop many of the existing ministries that our parish offers. In that includes researching resources and/or creating ones tailored to the needs of the parish. Last week, a group of 3 other woman and myself started compiling resources to tailor a study for our parish on the USCCB's letter on Stewardship in a Catholic parish. It's fabulous, they're fabulous and God is so very good. We're all a bit strong minded but definitely open to the Spirit and the different strengths, approaches, experiences and talents each woman brings to the table. It was intense, but oh soo good! I'll keep you posted on how we are progressing!
5) Speaking of work, I want to introduce you to one of the 3 priests I am privileged to work alongside. His name is Fr. Dan Papineau. He is currently at SMMCC on a break from his former position as Chaplain of the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Massachutes. He is fabulous and has a fabulous story. In fact google his name and click on the 6th link down titled The Littlest Angel of Mercy, it's basically his story. Briefly-he was called to the priesthood after he lost both his wife and daughter in a matter of 3 days. The man walks very closely with the Lord and is a joy to be around, plus he always sings and I just LOVE that!
6) There has been some adjusting down here, especially with the weather. Now as a Midwesterner, November will sometimes have a few warm days, but as any good MW gal knows, this is the time to pull out your sweaters, scarves, tights, layer on a million things and be comfy and cozy. Well not so down here. We have gone down to 30 some nights and have had a thick deep frost, however the first week I lived down here I had to change my clothes twice before work, because the moment I stepped outside, I realized, I wasn't in Kansas anymore (rather Illinois). But on the bright side I can wear my cute dresses with scarves and boots (sans tights right now b/c it's that warm).
7) Lastly. So this afternoon after doing a little Christmas shopping my oil light came on in my car. Now mind you, I started freaking out. I have quite some mileage to go until I need to get the oil changed, so WHY in the WORLD did it come on?? I pulled into my driveway and turned off the car, and then decided to turn it back on again to see if the light would come on--to which it did not. I wasn't convinced and wanted to see if it would come on if I drove it for a bit, so I begrudgingly decided to go get some ice cream since it was the Sabbath. I got to the said ice cream place and noticed the line was terribly long, and I really did not want to sit and wait. So I ventured through the parking lot and found a Gelateria-a gelato shop, in the plaza nearby. I went in and made conversation with the owner about the different flavors of gelato she offered and told her how excited I was that this shop was here. She has a strong accent and I asked her if she was from Italy, to which she responded her father was, but she grew up in Germany. We then proceeded to have over an hour conversation on world traveling, world religion, the Church's stance on abortion, contraceptives, AIDS, Church Hierarchy, communism, Pope John Paul II and Theology of the Body. We had to cut our conversation off when customers came in, but I told her I would be back to eat more gelato and finish our conversation. Oh yeah, and my oil light never came back on...
Rachel, I love these Sunday Seven tid bits. Made my day to hear how you are doing down there. What a beautiful story about the gelato shop! In my prayers always, Ms. Rachel.
ReplyDeleteOh...and I love your blog!
Thanks Cynthia! I miss you so much! One of the parishioners I work closest with reminds me of you (although, she's about 12 years your senior) but just a fabulous woman of God! Love you bunches!
ReplyDeleteWhat an exciting life you are living over there, sis!! Whew...about your engine light. I love regular updates. Per request of the little ones, they want to see some pictures of Auntie Rachie on her blog!!!! Love you so much and miss you, too!!
ReplyDeleteYay for seven fun updates on the Sabbath!